Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year

Haven´t written anything in a couple of weeks, and, what is worse, haven´t danced either:(

And not so much because of the frenetic social life that usually accompanies this time of the year, but rather because – like so many others both around me and in the blogosphere – I got ill a week before Christmas, and spent most of it coughing and sneezing, wrapped up in warm covers on the living room sofa, staring wistfully at the lovely Christmas tree which, I was told, gave out a beautiful smell of winter forests – only I couldn´t smell any of it because of my cold:(

I have been reading tango blogs though – they are such a consolation when I cannot dance myself:) and I have updated my blogroll accordingly.

Then, last night, I went dancing. I am pretty much ok now, though still feeling a bit weak; I didn´t expect this pause of two weeks to influence my dancing very much... but it has. It was awful. My legs were weak, wobbly, I moved with uncertainty, got tired quickly... simply awful. I think (and hope) it isn´t so much my dancing skills reduced to nought in such a short time, but the muscles of my body that have gone soft because of a lack of exercise. But how can my body be so unreliable? I mean, a stupid dragging cold and I get all shaky with the least physical exertion!

The least.. well.. I guess I shouldn´t have begun the evening with a long Gotan tanda – I didn´t want to, either, but my friend insisted. Should have only danced to slower and more soothing music. And then there was the vals tanda – but I do so love vals, and it was with one of my favourite leaders – only somehow it didn´t come out as lovely as it might have. Oh well. Around midnight I decided to call it a day and catch the last metro home.

What grieves me most about this is that towards the end of last year I was going through a very good tango period – I was really quite happy with my dancing, all seemed to go so well. Last night, I felt terribly downhearted as I climbed the steps to my flat on the fifth floor, after the first milonga in this year, and full of doubts about my dancing and tango.

Have to exercise, to get back in shape. And dance, to get back into the right frame of mind. And think of my trip to Argentina.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. Do not worry about your dancing. We all have our ups and downs in tango. New Year was just another day on the calendar. And tomorrow will be a whole new different day. For today you can put on a set of Canaro walzes and dance around your living room. It will be good exercise, I promise.

Maria said...

Hum... I hear you!!! Yesterday I had my first Milonga of the year, also after a few weeks of not dancing. My dances turned out OK, but I was feeling absolutely wiped out just after a tanda... :( Really scary to realize how out of shape I am...

That's why exercising is among my resolutions this year (and Tango does not substitute for it)...

Anonymous said...

The good thing about experiencing a "down" in tango is that the next "up" will be so much better!

A little more dancing will soon regenerate those unused muscles and it'll feel as if you were never away.


tangobaby said...

Don't worry so'll be back in the swing of things soon. You'll be so glad to be healthy and dancing that it will bring you extra energy. I hope you feel better soon...this is a tough cold/flu season.

PS. I tagged you...see details on my blog! ;-)